Kilograms to Tons Converter

Metric Tons:
US Short Tons:
UK Long Tons:

To convert kilograms to tons (kg to T) or to convert tons to kilograms (T to kg), you may use the converter above.

Below, you will find information on how to convert kg to metric tons, how to convert kg to United States short tons and how to convert kg to UK long tons, including the formulas and example conversions.

How to convert kilograms to metric tons?

1 Kilogram is equal to 0.001 Metric ton (tonne). To convert kilograms to tonnes, multiply the kilogram value by 0.001 or divide by 1000.

For example, to convert 100 kg to tonnes, multiply 100 by 0.001, that makes 0.1 tonne is 100 kg.

kg to tonnes formula

tonne = kg * 0.001

tonne = kg / 1000

1 Kilogram = 0.001 Metric Ton

To convert Metric tons to kg, please visit metric tons to kg converter.

How to convert kilograms to US short tons?

1 Kilogram is equal to 0.0011023113109 short ton. To convert kilograms to short tons, multiply the kilogram value by 0.0011023113109 or divide by 907.18474.

For example, to convert 500 kg to tons, multiply 500 by 0.0011023113109, that makes 0.55115 US ton is 500 kg.

kg to US tons formula

US ton = kg * 0.0011023113109

US ton = kg / 907.18474

1 Kilogram = 0.0011023113109 US Short Ton

To convert US short tons to kg, please visit US short tons to kg converter.

How to convert kilograms to UK long tons?

1 Kilogram is equal to 0.00098420652761 UK long ton. To convert kilograms to long tons, multiply the kilogram value by 0.00098420652761 or divide by 1016.04691.

kg to UK tons formula

UK ton = kg * 0.00098420652761

UK ton = kg / 1016.04691

1 Kilogram = 0.00098420652761 UK Long Ton

To convert UK long tons to kg, please visit UK long tons to kg converter.

What is a Kilogram?

Kilogram is the base unit of mass in the metric system. 1 Kilogram = 0.001 tonne (metric ton), 1 kilogram = 0.0011023113109 US short ton, 1 kilogram = 0.00098420652761 UK long ton. The symbol is "kg".

Please visit all weight and mass units conversion to convert all weight and mass units.