Convert electrical units, including capacitance, charge, conductunce, conductivity, current, resistance and resistivity, with our electrical units conversion tool. Select your desired electrical unit conversion from the options below.
Electric CapacitanceConvert between all electric capacitance units, farad, microfarad, millifarad and coulomb/volt.
Electric Charge Conversions between electric charge units coulomb, faraday, franklin and ampere second.
Electric Current Convert electric current units ampere, kiloampere, milliampere and watt volt.
Electric Field Electric field unit conversions, volt meter, volt inch, millivolt meter and watt ampere meter.
Electric Resistivity Conversions related with eletric resistivity units, ohm meter, ohm inch, micohm inch.
Surface Charge Density Convert between units coulomb square inch, coulomb square meter, abcoulomb square centimeter.