Energy and Work Converter

Convert energy and work units, including joule, calorie, kWh, Nm and ft-lb, with our energy and work measurement units conversion tool. Input a value in the provided field and choose the energy and work units you wish to convert between.


Energy and Work Units

The energy and work units in the energy and work converter are attojoule, board of trade unit, btu, btu [thermochemical], btu [15 °C], calorie [IT], calorie [nutritional], calorie [thermochemical], calorie [15 °C], celsius heat unit [IT], celsius heat unit [thermochemical], centijoule, coal [kilogram], coal [metric ton], cubic centimeter atmosphere, cubic foot atmosphere, cubic foot of natural gas, cubic meter atmosphere, decijoule, dekajoule, dekawatt hour, dyne centimeter, electronvolt, erg, foot-pound force, gallon of gas [US, liquid], gallon of diesel oil [US, liquid], gigajoule, gigawatt hour, gram force centimeter, gram force meter, hartree, hectojoule, horsepower hour, horsepower hour [metric], inch-pound force, joule, kilocalorie [IT], kilocalorie [thermochemical], kiloelectronvolt, kilogram force centimeter, kilogram force meter, kilojoule, kilowatt hour, kilowatt second, liter atmosphere, megacalorie [IT], megacalorie [thermochemical], megaerg, megaelectronvolt, megacalorie, megajoule, megawatt hour, microjoule, millijoule, newton meter, nanojoule, ounce force inch, petajoule, picojoule, Q unit, quad, terajoule, therm [Europe], therm [US], thermie, watt hour, watt second.

The metric system energy and work unit is joule (J). The other common energy and work units are pound force foot, British thermal unit (Btu) and horsepower hour.

What is Energy?

The energy is a measure of how long we can sustain the output of power, or how much work we can do. There are two kinds of energy, potential and kinetic.

Potential energy is the energy waiting to be converted into power. Gasoline in a fuel tank is an example.

Kinetic energy is the energy a body possesses because it is in motion. The more the object weighs and the faster it is moving, the more kinetic energy it has.

The formula for kinetic energy is:

Kinetic Energy = m * v2 / 2, where "m" is the mass and "v" is the velocity.

What is Work?

The work is the application of a force over a distance. Work is equal to the product of the force and the distance through which it produces movement.

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