Radiation Absorbed Dose Equivalent Units Converter

Convert radiation absorbed dose equivalent units, including sievert and rem, with our radiation absorbed dose equivalent measurement units conversion tool. Input a value in the provided field and choose the radiation absorbed dose equivalent units you wish to convert between.


Radiation Absorbed Dose Equivalent Units

The radiation absorbed dose equivalent units in the converter are gray (alpha particles), joule/kilogram, microsievert, millirem, millisievert, rem (roentgen eq. man) and sievert.

The most commonly used units for radiation absorbed dose equivalent, which is a measure of the biological effect of ionizing radiation, are:

Sievert (Sv): This is the standard unit for the equivalent dose in the International System of Units (SI). The sievert is a measure of the biological effect of ionizing radiation, taking into account the type of radiation and its potential for harm. One sievert is equal to one joule of equivalent biological effect per kilogram of tissue.

Rem (rem): The rem is a legacy unit used in the centimeter-gram-second (CGS) system. One rem is equal to 0.01 sievert.

The sievert is the primary unit for equivalent dose in the SI system and is widely used in scientific, medical, and regulatory contexts. The rem, being an older unit, is less commonly used in modern literature but may still be encountered, particularly in older documents or certain specialized applications.

What is Radiation Absorbed Dose Equivalent?

The radiation absorbed dose is the amount of energy stored as a result of an ionizing radiation.

Not all types of ionizing radiation are equally harmful. For example, equal dose of alpha radiation can cause more harm than the equivalent doses of beta and gamma radiation. This difference is expressed as equivalent dose in units of sievert (Sv).

For all radiation unit converters, please visit radiation unit conversions.

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