How many ounces in a stone?
1 Stone is equal to 224 ounces. To convert stones to ounces, multiply the stone value by 224.
For example, to convert 2 stones to ounces, multiply 224 by 2, that makes 448 ounces in 2 stones.
stones to ounces conversion formula:
ounce = stone * 224
How to convert ounces to stones?
1 Ounce is equal to 0.00446428571 stone. To convert ounces to stones, multiply the ounce value by 0.00446428571 or divide by 224.
For example, to convert 500 ounces to stones, divide 500 by 224, that makes 2.23 stones in 500 ounces.
ounces to stones conversion formula:
stone = ounce * 0.00446428571
stone = ounce / 224
What is a Stone?
Stone is a unit of mass. 1 Stone = 224 Ounces. The symbol is "st".
Please visit all weight and mass units conversion to convert all weight and mass units.