How many oil barrels are in a cubic meter?
1 Cubic meter is equal to 6.28981077 oil barrels. To convert cubic meters to oil barrels, multiply the cubic meter value by 6.28981077.
For example, to convert 10 cubic meters to barrels, multiply 6.28981077 by 10, that makes, 62.89 oil barrels equal to 10 cubic meters.
cubic meters to oil barrels conversion formula:
oil barrel = cubic meter * 6.28981077
How to convert oil barrels to cubic meters?
1 Oil barrel is equal to 0.15898729493 cubic meter. To convert oil barrels to cubic meters, multiply the oil barrel value by 0.15898729493 or divide by 6.28981077.
For example, to convert 1000 oil barrels to cubic meters, divide 1000 by 6.28981077, that mkes 158.987 cubic meters equal to 1000 oil barrels.
oil barrels to cubic meters conversion formula:
cubic meter = oil barrel * 0.1589872949
cubic meter = oil barrel / 6.28981077
What is a Cubic Meter?
Cubic meter (metre) is a metric system volume unit. 1 Cubic meter = 6.28981077 Oil barrels. 1 Cubic meter = 8.38641436 Beer barrels. The symbol is "m³".
What is a Barrel?
Barrel is a volume unit. 1 Oil Barrel = 0.1589872949 Cubic meter. The symbol is "bbl".
Please visit all volume units conversion to convert all volume units.