Fuel Economy and Consumption Converter

Fuel economy and consumption units converter to convert between US mpg, UK mpg, L/100km and km/L. Enter a value into any of the fields below to instantly view the converted fuel economy units in the remaining fields.

US MPG - Miles per US Gallon
L/100km - Liters per 100km
KM/L - Kilometers per Liter
UK MPG - Miles per Imperial Gallon

Below, you will find detailed information about fuel consumption and economy units and detailed instructions on how to convert between them.

Fuel Consumption Units

The fuel consumption is the amount of fuel used for a unit of distance. The most common fuel consumption unit is liters per 100 kilometers (L/100km).

Fuel Economy Units

The fuel economy is the distance traveled per unit of fuel. The most common fuel economy units are kilometers per liter and miles per gallon (mpg).

How to convert mpg to L/100km?

1 Mile per gallon (mpg) is equal to 235.215 liters per 100 kilometers (L/100km). To convert mpg to L/100km, divide 235.215 by the mpg value.

For example, to convert 24 mpg to L/100km, divide 235.215 by 24, that makes 9.8 L/100km equal to 24 mpg.

1 Mile per Gallon = 235.215 Liters per 100 Kilometers

To convert between mpg and L/100km and for more information, please visit mpg to L/100km converter.

To convert between imperial mpg and L/100km and for more information, please visit imperial mpg to L/100km converter.

How to convert mpg to km/L?

To convert miles per gallon (mpg) to kilometers per liter (km/L), multiply the mpg value by 0.4251437.

For example, to convert 9 km/L to mpg, divide 9 by 0.4251437, that makes 21.17 mpg equal to 9 km/L.

To convert between mpg and km/L and for more information, please visit mpg to km/L converter.

To convert between imperial mpg and km/L and for more information, please visit UK mpg to km/L converter.

How to convert km/L to L/100km?

To convert kilometers per liter (km/L) to liters per 100 kilometers (L/100km), divide 100 by the km/L value.

For example, to convert 9 km/L to L/100km, divide 100 by 9, that makes 11.111 L/100km equal to 9 km/L.

To convert between km/L and L/100km and for more information, please visit km/L to L/100km converter.

How to convert US mpg to UK mpg?

1 US mpg is equal to 1.20095 UK mpg. To convert US mpg to UK mpg, multiply the US mpg by 1.20095.

For example, to convert 24 US mpg to UK mpg, multiply 24 by 1.20095, that makes 28.82 UK mpg equal to 24 US mpg.

To convert between US mpg and UK mpg and for more information, please visit US mpg to UK mpg converter.