How many gallons in a fluid barrel?
There are 31.5 gallons in a fluid barrel. To convert barrels to gallons, multiply the barrel value by 31.5.
For example, to find out how many gallons in a fluid barrel and a half, multiply 1.5 by 31.5 that makes 47.25 gallons in a fluid barrel and a half.
fluid barrels to gallons formula
gal = fl bbl * 31.5
To convet between oil barrels and gallons please visit oil barrels to gallons converter.
How to convert gallons to fluid barrels?
1 Gallon is equal to 0.031746031745 fluid barrel. To convert gallons to barrels, multiply the gallon value by 0.031746031745 or divide by 31.5.
gallons to fluid barrels formula
fl bbl = gal * 0.031746031745
fl bbl = gal / 31.5
What is a Barrel?
Barrel is a volume unit. 1 US Fluid Barrel = 31.5 US Fluid Gallons. 1 US Dry Barrel = 26.24975569 US Dry Gallons. 1 Imperial Barrel = 36 Imperial Gallons. The symbol is "bbl".
Please visit all volume units conversion to convert all volume units.