How to convert kilometers to chains?
1 Kilometer (km) is equal to 49.7096954 chains (ch). To convert kilometers to chains, multiply the kilometer value by 49.7096954.
For example, to convert 2 kilometers to chains, multiply 49.7096954 by 2, that makes 99.42 chains equal to 2 kilometers.
kilometers to chains conversion formula:
chain = km * 49.7096954
How to convert chains to kilometers?
1 Chain (ch) is equal to 0.0201168 kilometer (km). To convert chains to kilometers, multiply the chain value by 0.0201168 or divide by 49.7096954.
For example, to convert 100 chains to kilometers, divide 100 by 49.7096954, that makes 2.01168 kilometers equal to 100 chains.
chains to kilometers conversion formula:
km = chain * 0.0201168
km = chain / 49.7096954
What is a Kilometer?
Kilometer is a metric system length unit. 1 kilometer = 49.7096954 chains. The symbol is "km".
What is a Chain?
Chain is a unit of length historically used in surveying and land measurement. In modern measurements, a chain is equivalent to 66 feet or 20.1168 meters. It is primarily used in land surveying, particularly for measuring distances and boundaries. 1 ch = 0.0201168 km. The symbol is "ch".
Below, you have the option to create your own customized km to chains conversion table to meet your specific needs. This feature allows you to set the starting value, choose the increments between each entry, and select the desired level of accuracy. By tailoring the km to ch table according to your preferences, you can generate precise and personalized conversion results.