How to convert 8 cm to inches?
The conversion factor from cm to inches is 0.393700787. To convert any value of cm to inches, multiply the centimeter value by the conversion factor.
To convert 8 cm to inches, multiply 8 by 0.393700787 (or divide by 2.54), that makes 8 cm equal to 3.1496063 inches.
8 cm to inches formula:
inch = cm value * 0.393700787
inch = 8 * 0.393700787
inch = 3.1496063
Common conversions from 8.x cm to inches:
(rounded to 3 decimals)
- 8 cm = 3.15 inches
- 8.1 cm = 3.189 inches
- 8.2 cm = 3.228 inches
- 8.3 cm = 3.268 inches
- 8.4 cm = 3.307 inches
- 8.5 cm = 3.346 inches
- 8.6 cm = 3.386 inches
- 8.7 cm = 3.425 inches
- 8.8 cm = 3.465 inches
- 8.9 cm = 3.504 inches
What is a Centimeter?
Centimeter (centimetre) is a metric system unit of length. 1 Centimeter = 0.393700787 Inch. The symbol is "cm".
What is a Inch?
Inch is an imperial and United States Customary systems unit of length, equal to 1/12 of a foot. 1 inch = 2.54 cm. The symbol is "in".