Cubic Yards to US Quarts Converter

Enter Cubic Yard:

How many quarts are in a cubic yard?

1 Cubic yard is equal to 807.896104 US fluid quarts. To convert cubic yards to quarts, multiply the cubic yard value by 807.896104.

For example, to convert 10 cubic yards to quarts, multiply 807.896104 by 10, that makes 8078.96 quarts equal to 10 cubic yards.

cubic yards to quarts formula:

quart = cubic yard * 807.896104

How to convert quarts to cubic yards?

1 US fluid quart is equal to 0.00123778292 cubic yard. To convert quarts to cubic yards, multiply the quart value by 0.00123778292 or divide by 807.896104.

For example, to convert 100 quarts to cubic yards, divide 100 by 807.896104, that makes 0.1237 cubic yard equal to 100 quarts.

quarts to cubic yards formula:

cubic yard = quart * 0.00123778292

cubic yard = quart / 807.896104

What is a Cubic Yard?

Cubic yard is an imperial and United States Customary volume unit. 1 Cubic yard = 807.896104 US fluid quarts. 1 Cubic yard = 694.279252 US dry quarts. 1 Cubic yard = 672.714229 Imperial quarts. The symbol is "yd³".

What is a Quart?

Quart is an imperial and United States Customary volume unit. 1 US fluid quart = 0.00123778292 Cubic yard. 1 Imperial quart = 0.00148652 Cubic yard. The symbol is "qt".

Please visit all volume units conversion to convert all volume units.

Create Conversion Table
Click "Create Table". Enter a "Start" value (5, 100 etc). Select an "Increment" value (0.01, 5 etc) and select "Accuracy" to round the result.