How to cups to cubic inches?
1 US cup is equal to 14.4375 cubic inches. To convert cups to cubic inches, multiply the cup value by 14.4375.
For example, to convert 6 cups to cubic inches, multiply 14.4375 by 6, that makes 86.625 cubic inches equal to 6 cups.
cups to cubic inches conversion formula:
cubic inch = cup * 14.4375
What is a Cup?
Cup is a volume unit. 1 US cup = 14.4375 cubic inches. 1 Imperial cup = 17.3387 cubic inches. 1 Metric cup = 15.256 cubic inches. The symbol is "c".
What is a Cubic Inch?
Cubic inch is an imperial and United States Customary volume unit. 1 Cubic inch = 0.069264069 US cup. The symbol is "in³".
Please visit all volume units conversion to convert all volume units.