How Many Gallons in 9 Cups?

9 Cups to gallons converter. How many gallons in 9 cups? We assume you are converting between US cups and US fluid gallons.

9 Cups equal to 0.5625 gallons or there are 0.5625 gallons in 9 cups.

Enter Cup
Enter Gallon

How to convert 9 cups to gallons?

The conversion factor from cup to gallon is 0.0625. To convert any value of cup to gallon, multiply the cup value by the conversion factor.

To convert 9 cups to gallons, multiply 9 by 0.0625 (or divide by 16), that makes 9 cups equal to 0.5625 gallons.

9 cups to gallons formula

gallon = cup value * 0.0625

gallon = 9 * 0.0625

gallon = 0.5625

Common conversions from 9.x cups to gallons:
(rounded to 3 decimals)

  • 9 cups = 0.562 gallons
  • 9.1 cups = 0.569 gallons
  • 9.2 cups = 0.575 gallons
  • 9.3 cups = 0.581 gallons
  • 9.4 cups = 0.588 gallons
  • 9.5 cups = 0.594 gallons
  • 9.6 cups = 0.6 gallons
  • 9.7 cups = 0.606 gallons
  • 9.8 cups = 0.612 gallons
  • 9.9 cups = 0.619 gallons

What is a Gallon?

Gallon is an imperial and United States Customary measurement systems volume unit. 1 US fluid gallon = 16 US cups. The symbol is "gal".

What is a Cup?

Cup is a Metric and United States Customary measurement systems volume unit. 1 Cup = 1/16 Gallon. The symbol is "c".

Create Conversion Table
Click "Create Table". Enter a "Start" value (5, 100 etc). Select an "Increment" value (0.01, 5 etc) and select "Accuracy" to round the result.