How many pints are in a liter and how to convert liters to pints?
1 Liter is equal to 2.1133764189 US pints. To convert liters to pints, multiply the liter value by 2.1133764189.
For example, to convert 2 liters to pints, multiply 2.1133764189 by 2, that makes 4.22 pints equal to 2 liters.
liters to pints conversion formula:
pint = liter * 2.1133764189
How to convert pints to liters?
1 US pint is equal to 0.47317647299 liter. To convert pints to liters, multiply the pint value by 0.47317647299 or divide by 2.1133764189.
For example, to convert 3 pints to liters, divide 3 by 2.1133764189, that makes 1.42 liters equal to 3 pints.
pints to liters conversion formula:
liter = pint * 0.47317647299
liter = pint / 2.1133764189
What is a Liter?
Liter is a metric system volume unit. 1 Liter = 2.1133764189 US fluid pints. The symbol is "L".
What is a Pint?
Pint is an imperial and United States Customary measurement system volume unit. 1 US fluid pint = 0.47317647299 Liter. The symbol is "pt".
Please visit volume conversion to convert all volume units.