Percentage Calculator

Percentage calculator to compute percentages of a given value, reverse percentages and calculate percentage increases or decreases.

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On our percentage calculator page, we offer a unique and interactive slide bar calculator that simplifies the process of calculating percentages. With this tool, you can easily determine the percentage of a given value by simply sliding the bar.

To use the slide bar percentage calculator, you start by entering the value you want to find the percentage of in the "Percent of" field. Then, as you move the slide bar to the left or to the right, the calculator instantly calculates and displays the corresponding percentages. This dynamic feature allows you to visualize the percentage calculations in real-time.

Our percentage calculator page offers a range of specialized calculators tailored to different percentage related scenarios. These calculators provide quick and accurate solutions for various calculations involving percentages. Let's take a look at each calculator:

Percentage of a Value Calculator:

This percentage calculator allows you to calculate the value of a given percentage. With this calculator, you can easily determine the result when you know the percentage and one of the values.

To use the calculator, simply enter the known percentage in the designated field and input the corresponding value in the "Value" field and click on the "Calculate" button. The calculator will instantly compute and display the result, which represents the percentage of the given value.

For example, let's calculate 15% of 200. To calculate this, we multiply the value (200) by the percentage (15%) and divide it by 100. Mathematically, it can be represented as:

Result = (Value × Percentage) ÷ 100

= (200 × 15) ÷ 100

= 3000 ÷ 100

= 30

Therefore, 15% of 200 is equal to 30.

Reverse Percentage Calculator:

The reverse percentage calculator is the one where you know the result and the percentage and you want to find the value:

To use the calculator, simply enter the known percentage in the designated field and enter the result or the final value in the other field. This is the value that is obtained after applying the percentage change. Click on the "Calculate" button. The calculator will instantly compute and display the result.

For example, to find the value that 30 is 15% of what, you can use the following formula:

Value = (30 / Percentage) * 100

= (30 / 15) * 100

= 2 * 100

= 200

Therefore, 30 is 15% of 200.

Percentage Calculator:

To use the calculator, simply enter the desired result value and the value you wish to calculate the percentage from. Then, click the "Calculate" button to obtain the result.

For example, To calculate what percentage 30 is of 200, you can use the following formula:

Percentage = (Value / Total) * 100

= (30 / 200) * 100

= 0.15 * 100

= 15

Therefore, 15% of 200 is 30.

Percentage Increase/Decrease Calculator:

The percentage increase or decrease calculator helps you determine the percentage change between two values. It allows you to compare the difference in value and express it as a percentage.

To use the calculator, simply enter the initial value and the final value in the designated fields and click on the "Calculate" button. The calculator will instantly compute and display the result.

For example, To calculate the percentage increase or decrase from 30 to 45, you can use the following formulas:

Percentage Increase = ((Final Value - Initial Value) / Initial Value) * 100

Percentage Decrease = ((Initial Value - Final Value) / Initial Value) * 100

In our example, there is a percentage increase since it is from 30 to 45.

= ((45 - 30) / 30) * 100

= (15 / 30) * 100

= 0.5 * 100

= 50%

Therefore, percentage increase is 50%.