How to convert 4 quarts to cups?
The conversion factor from quart to cup is 4. To convert any value of quart to cup, multiply the quart value by the conversion factor.
To convert 4 quarts to cups, multiply 4 by 4, that makes 4 quarts equal to 16 cups.
4 quarts to cups formula
cup = quart value * 4
cup = 4 * 4
cup = 16
Common conversions from 4.x quarts to cups:
(rounded to 3 decimals)
- 4 quarts = 16 cups
- 4.1 quarts = 16.4 cups
- 4.2 quarts = 16.8 cups
- 4.3 quarts = 17.2 cups
- 4.4 quarts = 17.6 cups
- 4.5 quarts = 18.0 cups
- 4.6 quarts = 18.4 cups
- 4.7 quarts = 18.8 cups
- 4.8 quarts = 19.2 cups
- 4.9 quarts = 19.6 cups
What is a Quart?
Quart is an imperial and United States Customary systems volume unit. 1 Quart = 4 Cups. The symbol is "qt".
What is a Cup?
Cup is a Metric and United States Customary measurement systems volume unit. 1 Cup = 1/4 Quart. The symbol is "c".