Square Meters (m2) to Hectares Converter

Square meters to hectares converter. 1 Hectare is equal to 10000 square meters. To convert square meters to hectares, you may refer to the converter tool or use the provided conversion formulas.

Square Meter

How to convert square meters to hectares?

1 Square meter (m2) is equal to 0.0001 hectare. To convert square meters to hectares, multiply the square meter value by 0.0001 or divide by 10000.

For example, to convert 100000 square meters to hectares, divide 100000 by 10000, that makes 10 hectares equal to 100000 m2.

sq meters to hectares formula:

hectare = sq meter * 0.0001

hectare = sq meter / 10000

How to calculate square meters and convert to hectares?

To calculate an area in square meters, multiply the length by the width in meters.

Square Meter = Length(m) × Width(m)

For example, to calculate an area of a 100m x 500m land in meters, multiply 100 by 500, that makes 50000 square meters. To convert the same area to hectares, divide the result by 10000. You may also use the conversion calculator above to calculate the area in both square meters and hectares by entering the length and the width in meters.

How to convert hectares to square meters?

1 Hectare is equal to 10000 square meters (m2). To convert hectares to square meters, multiply the hectare value by 10000.

For example, to convert 2 hectares to sq meters, multiply 10000 by 2, that makes 20000 m2 equal to 2 hectares.

hectares to sq meters formula:

sq meter = hectare * 10000

What is a Square Meter?

Square meter (metre) is a metric system area unit. 1 Square Meter = 0.0001 Hectare. The symbol is "".

What is a Hectare?

Hectare is a metric system area unit. 1 Hectare = 10000 Square Meters. The symbol is "ha".

Please visit all area units conversion to convert all area units.

Create Conversion Table
Click "Create Table". Enter a "Start" value (5, 100 etc). Select an "Increment" value (0.01, 5 etc) and select "Accuracy" to round the result.