How to convert US short tons to metric tons (tonnes)?
1 US short (net) ton is equal to 0.90718474 metric ton (tonne). To convert short tons to metric tons, multiply the short ton value by 0.90718474 or divide by 1.1023113109.
US t to tonnes formula
tonne = US t * 0.90718474
tonne = US t / 1.1023113109
1 US Short Ton = 0.90718474 Metric Ton
How to convert imperial long tons to metric tons (tonnes)?
1 Imperial long ton is equal to 1.0160469088 metric tons (tonnes). To convert imperial tons to metric tons, multiply the imperial ton value by 1.0160469088.
UK t to tonnes formula
tonne = UK t * 1.0160469088
1 Imperial Long Ton = 1.0160469088 Metric Tons
Please visit all weight and mass units conversion to convert all weight and mass units.