US Short Ton to UK Long and Tonnes Converter

US Short Ton
UK Long Ton

How to convert US short tons to metric tons (tonnes)?

1 US short (net) ton is equal to 0.90718474 metric ton (tonne). To convert short tons to metric tons, multiply the short ton value by 0.90718474 or divide by 1.1023113109.

US t to tonnes formula

tonne = US t * 0.90718474

tonne = US t / 1.1023113109

1 US Short Ton = 0.90718474 Metric Ton

How to convert imperial long tons to metric tons (tonnes)?

1 Imperial long ton is equal to 1.0160469088 metric tons (tonnes). To convert imperial tons to metric tons, multiply the imperial ton value by 1.0160469088.

UK t to tonnes formula

tonne = UK t * 1.0160469088

1 Imperial Long Ton = 1.0160469088 Metric Tons

Please visit all weight and mass units conversion to convert all weight and mass units.

Create Conversion Table
Click "Create Table". Enter a "Start" value (5, 100 etc). Select an "Increment" value (0.01, 5 etc) and select "Accuracy" to round the result.

US Short to Metric Tons Conversion Table

Short Ton Metric Ton Short Ton Metric Ton Short Ton Metric Ton Short Ton Metric Ton
1 0.91 26 23.59 51 46.27 76 68.95
2 1.81 27 24.49 52 47.17 77 69.85
3 2.72 28 25.40 53 48.08 78 70.76
4 3.63 29 26.31 54 48.99 79 71.67
5 4.54 30 27.22 55 49.90 80 72.57
6 5.44 31 28.12 56 50.80 81 73.48
7 6.35 32 29.03 57 51.71 82 74.39
8 7.26 33 29.94 58 52.62 83 75.30
9 8.16 34 30.84 59 53.52 84 76.20
10 9.07 35 31.75 60 54.43 85 77.11
11 9.98 36 32.66 61 55.34 86 78.02
12 10.89 37 33.57 62 56.25 87 78.93
13 11.79 38 34.47 63 57.15 88 79.83
14 12.70 39 35.38 64 58.06 89 80.74
15 13.61 40 36.29 65 58.97 90 81.65
16 14.51 41 37.19 66 59.87 100 90.72
17 15.42 42 38.10 67 60.78 125 113.40
18 16.33 43 39.01 68 61.69 150 136.08
19 17.24 44 39.92 69 62.60 175 158.76
20 18.14 45 40.82 70 63.50 200 181.44
21 19.05 46 41.73 71 64.41 250 226.80
22 19.96 47 42.64 72 65.32 300 272.16
23 20.87 48 43.54 73 66.22 500 453.59
24 21.77 49 44.45 74 67.13 750 680.39
25 22.68 50 45.36 75 68.04 1000 907.18