How to convert cubic feet to pints?
1 Cubic foot is equal to 59.844155844 pints. To convert cubic feet to pints, multiply the cubic feet value by 59.844155844.
For example, to convert 2 cubic feet to pints, multiply 59.844155844 by 2, that makes 119.688 pints equal to 2 cubic feet.
cubic feet to pints conversion formula:
pint = cu ft * 59.844155844
How to convert pints to cubic feet?
1 Pint is equal to 0.016710069444 cubic foot. To convert pints to cubic feet, multiply the pint value by 0.016710069444 or divide by 59.844155844.
For example, to convert 100 pints to cubic feet, divide 100 by 59.844155844, that makes 1.671 cubic feet equal to 100 pints.
pints to cubic feet conversion formula:
cu ft = pint * 0.016710069444
cu ft = pint / 59.844155844
What is a Cubic Foot?
Cubic foot is an imperial and United States Customary volume unit. 1 Cubic foot = 59.844155844 US fluid pints. 1 Cubic foot = 51.428092776 US dry pints. 1 Cubic foot = 49.830683672 Imperial pints. The symbol is "ft³".
Please visit all volume units conversion to convert all volume units.