The cubic feet to quarts converter is a simple tool to convert cubic feet to quarts. It works by taking the input value in cubic feet and applying the conversion factor of 29.9220779 quarts per cubic foot. The converter calculates the equivalent volume in quarts and displays the result.
Below, you will find information on how many quarts are in a cubic foot and how to accurately convert cubic feet to quarts.
How many quarts are in a cubic foot and how to convert cubic feet to quarts?
1 Cubic foot is equal to 29.9220779 quarts. To convert cubic feet to quarts, multiply the cubic foot value by 29.9220779.
For example, to convert 2 cubic feet to quarts, multiply 29.9220779 by 2, that makes 59.84 quarts equal to 2 cubic feet.
cubic feet to quarts conversion formula:
quart = cubic feet * 29.9220779
How to convert quarts to cubic feet?
1 US quart is equal to 0.0334201389 cubic foot. To convert quarts to cubic feet, multiply the quart value by 0.0334201389 or divide by 29.9220779.
For example, to convert 50 quarts to cubic feet, divide 50 by 29.9220779, that makes 1.671 cubic feet equal to 50 quarts.
quarts to cubic feet conversion formula:
cubic feet = quart * 0.0334201389
cubic feet = quart / 29.9220779
What is a Cubic Foot?
Cubic foot is an imperial and United States Customary volume unit. 1 Cubic foot = 29.9220779 US fluid quarts. 1 Cubic foot = 25.71404638 US dry quarts. 1 Cubic foot = 24.9153 Imperial quarts. The symbol is "ft³".
What is a Quart?
Quart is an imperial and United States Customary volume unit. The symbol is "qt".
Please visit all volume units conversion to convert all volume units.